Performance Appraisal Methods for post-COVID Workforce


COVID-19 has battered each economy and brought the GDPs of nations tumbling down while companies are whereas corporations are resetting their quarterly targets and performance goals and targets for 2020. Because the globe is battling the results of the pandemic, HR teams are effort to remain their employee’s healthy and performing well.

Performance appraisal plays a central role in managing human resources in organizations (Boswell & Boundreau, 2002). The term performance appraisal (or performance evaluation) refers to the ways and processes employed by organizations to assess the amount of performance of their workers. This methods typically includes measurement employees’ performance and providing them with feedback concerning the amount and quality of their performance. (DeNisi , et al., 2006)

Figure 01: Traditional and Modern Performance Appraisal Methods

Six modern performance appraisal methods

With the proper performance appraisal methodology, organizations will enhance workers performance inside the organization. A good workers performance review methodology will create the full expertise effective and rewarding.

Pick one of these methods described here, to your workers committed and motivated, in spite of the robust conditions caused by the pandemic:

·      Management by Objectives (MBO): Managers and subordinators along determine, plan, organize, and communicate objectives to concentrate on and set clear goals for action.

·      360-Degree Feedback: Feedback is collected from the employee’s managers, peers, customers, and direct reports, to eliminate bias in performance reviews while gaining a transparent understanding of associate degree individual’s competency.

·    Assessment Centre Method: This resource-intensive methodology evaluates workers by creating them participate in social-simulation exercises.

·    Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS): Behaviorally anchored rating scales mix both the qualitative and quantitative advantages in a performance appraisal method.

·   Psychological Appraisals: Psychological appraisals verify the hidden potential of workers and predict their potential and future performance.

·  OKR-based appraisal: Objectives and Key Results-based (OKR) approach set continuous performance management goals and are managed through regular check-ins.



HR group will still use the performance appraisal to debate the company’s performance, review the situation and share with everybody the measures being taken to stabilize the situation and to sustain the organization on its future growth path.


Anon., 2020. Kissflow. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 25 March 2021].

Boswell, W. R., & Boudreau, J. W. (2002). Separating the developmental and evaluative performance appraisal uses. Journal of Business and Psychology, 16(3), 391-412.

DeNisi , Angelo, S., Pritchard & Robert, D., 2006. Performance Appraisal, Performance Management and Improving Individual Performance:A Motivational Framework. Management and Organizational Review, Volume 2(2), pp. 253-277.




  1. Performance appraisal is a major topic when it's come to a HR & HR is fully responsible to maintain motivated pool of employees within the organization for it's success. Author has explained the modern technics of performance appraisal methods which HR can use. It's worth to read.

  2. There are so many role models, approaches, and appraisals could be followed on HR practices. Author has elaborated on this regard to get a clear idea even for a new comer. Good effort.

  3. Very well explanation of Performance Appraisal Methods for post-COVID Workforce. Adding more to the article there are some disadvantages of the modern methods of appraisal. In MBO, explanation of targets may differ from manager to manager, and employee to employee. In 360 Degree, It will damage self-esteem of employees if the feedback is brutal. In Assessment Centre method only a limited number of persons can be managed at a time. In BARS it requires to create separate BARS scales in each jobs(Agrawal et al.,2013).
    Nicely written and worth to read.

  4. performance appraisal process is crucial for organizations to boost employee productivity and improve their outcomes

  5. The author has nicely discussed the topic with modern performance appraisal methods.


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